Project 4076: A. Ziegler, A. Miller, N. Nagelmann. 2021. Novel insights into early life stages of finned octopods (Cephalopoda: Cirrata). Swiss Journal of Palaeontology. 140:24.
Specimen: Grimpoteuthis SPECIMEN P (USNM:1460906)
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The finned or dumbo octopods (Octopoda: Cirrata) constitute a cephalopod (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) taxon almost exclusively comprising organisms that inhabit the deep-sea. This renders studying the general biology of adult cirrate specimens a difficult task, but even more so when it comes to gathering knowledge on their early life stages. During his comprehensive research exploits on cephalopod development, the late Sigurd von Boletzky (1942–2020) also sought to shed light on specific adaptations that eggs and embryos of these enigmatic deep-sea octopods might show. Based on his seminal work, the present article sets out to provide additional data on a broad range of early cirrate life stages, including egg capsules without any obvious embryonic stage as well as those containing embryos. These previously unreported specimens obtained from museum collections were analyzed using conventional morphological as well as modern three-dimensional imaging techniques. The present overview includes specimens from four of the five oceans, i.e., the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Southern Ocean. Based on information on cirrate ovum, chorion, and egg capsule size as well as shape gathered from the literature, an attempt is made here for the first time to identify von Boletzky's as well as the specimens introduced here down to at least genus level. The combined data provide novel insights into early life stages of finned octopods, aiming to continue von Boletzky's legacy with regard to developmental research on a still largely enigmatic taxon of extant deep-sea cephalopods.

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Article DOI: 10.1186/s13358-021-00240-0

Project DOI: 10.7934/P4076,
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MorphoBank Project 4076
  • Creation Date:
    05 September 2021
  • Publication Date:
    20 December 2021
  • Project views: 24139

    Authors' Institutions

    • Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (University of Bonn)

    • Universitätsklinikum Münster


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    Alexander Ziegler
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